Technical Information

Type of route circular

Departure point: Salinar de La Rolda. Naval

KM: 4,5

Duration: 1 h 15 min

Gradient: 150 m 



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Points of interest

Naval, Salinar de La Rolda, hermitage of Santa Quiteria, panoramic views. 

Route description

Naval is famous for its salt mines which, for almost 1000 years, have been exploited to produce this precious commodity, which during  the Middle Ages was as valuable as petrol is today.

From the car park of the salt flats, we set off around the complex of recreational pools and salt production to head up a steep climb to the hermitage of Santa Quiteria. From there the route descends along a short stretch of path to the track from which we had turned off shortly before, and continues on the circular route around the Tozal de Bolero. On reaching the Vereda de Abizanda the route descends rapidly until it returns to the salt flats from where we started.

It is a short route with a certain slope that will require adapting the pace of the ascent and descent.

Photo Gallery

  • Lizana
  • abiego
  • adahuesca
  • berbegal
  • carrodilla
  • cunarda
  • el grado
  • ermitas
  • estaño
  • muretes
  • naval
  • ronda
  • sevil
  • terreu


mapa 11 SalinasDeNaval TRZ