Technical Information

Type of route: circular

Departure point: Terreu - Ctra. HU-V-8741 PK 12,9

KM: 9,5

Duration: 2 h 15 min

Gradient: 110 m 



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Points of interest

Panoramic views and geological formation Muela de Terreu.

Route description

Located between the rivers Alcanadre and Cinca, the Muela de Terreu is a high plateau with sandstone walls and cliffs, as well as with spectacular panoramic views of the surrounding area.

Access to the starting point of the route is via the HUV-8741 road from El Tormillo to Ilche. At KP 12.9 you can park and start the route from there. The route climbs up to the Muela de Terreu on a track in good condition, and upon reaching the mountain top you’ll find two paths: the first to a viewpoint located on the south-facing part of the mountain, the second to the north.

The route is entirely on tracks between the fields that used to crown the plateau.

Photo gallery

  • Lizana
  • abiego
  • adahuesca
  • berbegal
  • carrodilla
  • cunarda
  • el grado
  • ermitas
  • estaño
  • muretes
  • naval
  • ronda
  • sevil
  • terreu


Ruta Asque-Abrigo de Regacéns