Quejigo, caxico, (Quercus faginea).

.This magnificent tree is possibly one of the oldest in the Sierra de Guara and reaches a height of 22 metres. The perimeter of its base measures 8 metres in total. It is surrounded by other similar trees of good size, including one that reaches 20 metres with a circumference of 4.30 at its base. The tree is in average condition as many of its branches are dry. It grows on private property.

From the right hand bank of the Alcanadre River in Pedruel take the dirt track towards Morrano; the track is for restricted use only. After 5.5km there is a rocky formation known locally as Castillo de Naya, and to the south of this lies the Paridera de Olivan, a lambing shed. This wonderful Portuguese oak stands just 70 metres from the building.


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