Live the adventure

The paths along the Sierra Guara and Somontano have traditionally been trodden by charcoal burners and spoon-makers in search of boxwood, as well as local people fishing or hunting in the more accessible canyons. Many of these paths are signposted and offer all kinds of routes, from demanding itineraries for dedicated hikers to short walks for all the family. Many other routes are marked as suitable for mountain bikes.
However, the bottom of the ravines remained hidden and unexplored for many years, and it was only in the year 2000 that the Guara gave up all its secrets. There are many rivers in the Guara where you can experience the unique sensation of being swept along by water, swimming, jumping, sliding... Canyoning
If what you really like is the feel of rock and a chance to discover hidden places that are high above the ground and seemingly inaccessible, then you are in luck. Somontano has a special combination of rock types and geological formations that provide an abundance of magical and unique walls for rock climbing or for living the adventure of the via ferrata.
Another way to discover Somontano and the Sierra de Guara is on horseback, using the region’s many bridle paths. The bridle paths of the area allow gentle journeys along forgotten paths that cross rivers and climb steep slopes, and are surrounded by stunning natural landscapes. Barbastro and Bierge have riding stables.