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The Somontano region possesses numerous areas that are protected by the Habitats Directive, a European conservation policy. These are known in Spain as LIC’s or internationally as SCI’s (Sites of Community Importance.) In addition, the Birds Directive protects a number of species in areas known locally as ZEPA or, Bird Protection Areas. Natura 2000’s aim is to ensure long-term survival of species and habitats in Europe, stopping the loss of biodiversity. It is the EU’s main instrument to preserve nature.

These form part of the European Natura 2000 Network, which in Somontano represents more than one quarter of its surface area. (29.81%)


An impressive karstic canyon excavated by the River Ésera. This SCI also includes the Carrodilla Mountains to the south, with peaks of over 1,000m. Of particular importance are riverside thickets, woods of Portuguese, kermes and holm oaks and rupicolous flora and fauna, some of which are endemic to the area.


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This SCI is made up by the middle and lower stretches of both rivers, which act as a natural border between the pre-Pyrenean peaks and the Ebro Valley. Highlights are riverside vegetation, such as willow and poplar groves, and abundant aquatic fauna. (Especially birds.)


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These are located between geographical areas characterised as Alpine and Mediterranean, resulting in a rich and valuable biodiversity. From a geological point of view, the karstic nature of the many rock formations is of particular importance. The most notable feature of the vegetation is the abundance of plants that thrive in areas of rock, scree and gravel that are only found in Guara.


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