
Visitas a bodegas
La mejor manera de adentrarte en el apasionante mundo del vino y del enoturismo es a través de las visitas guiadas a las diferentes bodegas de la Denominación de Origen Somontano. Algunas de ellas, también forman parte del club de producto Ruta del Vino Somontano.
Si estás interesado en visitar alguna de ellas, te recomendamos que reserves la vista con anterioridad.
- Bodegas Alodia | Adahuesca | 974 318 265 | [email protected] | www.alodia.es
- Bodega Batán de Salas de Beroz | Barbastro | 974 316 217 | [email protected] | www.batandesalas.com
- Bodegas Chesa | Barbastro | 649 870 637 | [email protected] | www.bodegaschesa.com
- Bodega El Grillo y la Luna | Barbastro | 974 269 188 | [email protected] | www.elgrilloylaluna.com
- Bodegas Fábregas | Barbastro | 974 310 498 - 629 423 732 | [email protected] | www.bodegasfabregas.com
- Bodegas Lalanne | Barbastro | 974 310 689 | [email protected] | www.bodegaslalanne.es
- Bodega Laus | Barbastro | 974 269 708 | [email protected] | www.bodegalaus.es
- Bodegas Meler | Barbastro | 679 954 988 | [email protected] | www.bodegasmeler.com
- Bodega Pirineos | Barbastro | 974 311 289 | [email protected] | www.bodegapirineos.com
- Bodega Sommos | Barbastro | 974 269 900 | [email protected] | www.bodegasommos.com
- Viñas del Vero - Blecua | Barbastro | 974 302 216 | [email protected] | www.vinasdelvero.es
- Bodegas Estada | Castillazuelo | 628 430 823 | [email protected] | www.bodegasestada.com
- Bodega Rasl Vals | Castillazuelo | 654 159 936 | [email protected] | www.rasvals.com
- Bodega Mipanas | El Grado | 974 311 323 | [email protected] | www.bodegamipanas.com
- Bodega Otto Bestué | Enate | 974 305 157 | [email protected] | www.bodega-ottobestue.com
- Bodega Aldahara | Estadilla | 974 305 236 | [email protected] | www.aldahara.es
- Bodega Villa D'Orta | Huerta de Vero | 695 991 967 - 633 064 055 | [email protected] | www.bodegavilladorta.com
- Bodega Monte Odina | Ilche | 974 343 480 | [email protected] | www.monteodina.com
- Bodegas Abinasa | Lascellas | 974 319 156 | [email protected] | www.bodegasabinasa.com
- Bodega Idrias | Lascellas | 689 126 928 - 974 340 671 |[email protected] / [email protected] | www.idrias.es
- Bodega Dalcamp - Castillo de Monesma | Monesma | 973 760 018 | [email protected] | www.castillodemonesma.com
- Bodegas Osca | Ponzano | 974 319 107 | [email protected] | www.bodegasosca.com
- Bodega Enate | Salas Bajas | 974 302 580 | [email protected] | www.enate.es
Wine Tourism and the Somontano Wine Route

Somontano is a generous land blessed with the perfect amount of sun and rain for the successful cultivation of the vineyards, which form an essential part of the landscape. These vines provide grapes that reflect the unique personality of the land and which reveal secrets and surprises; visit, learn, try, discover and most of all, enjoy.
Enjoy wine tourism through the wineries of the Wine Route Somontano, activities in the vineyard, tasting and wine tastings, workshops marriage between wine and other products Somontano...
Somontano Designation of Origin

In its 30 years of existence, the Somontano Designation of Origin (D.O.), reflect the traditions of centuries of wine culture in the region but that also represent the strong values of modernity and differentiation.
Since the very beginnings of the D.O. (a designated area where wine growing activities are strictly controlled) the wines of Somontano have achieved excellent market positioning with both their brand and image. This is due to recognition of the quality of the brands by discerning consumers as well as the most prestigious wine guides in Spain. In the nineties the leading wineries directed growth and consolidation in the region, and were responsible for the widespread respect and success of Somontano wines. At the start of the 21st century the area saw the arrival of new, innovative wineries with modern technology and avant-garde design that guaranteed both excellent wine and unforgettable visits to their impressive facilities. This new growth generated an expansion of the markets and reinforced the image of the Somontano brand.
The Somontano D.O. has other factors that distinguish its wines from others in the sector. Its history; the soil and climate; the vineyards and their range of grape varieties; the quality controls applied by viticulturists, wineries and the D.O. council; the technical ability and dedication of staff in wine-related companies and the excellent positioning of the Somontano brand and its wineries. Finally, the effort made promoting and selling the wines at the appropriate price are fundamental factors that define and explain the rapid evolution of Somontano wines and the strength of their brand.
So strong are these factors that the best known market research companies in Spain agree that Somontano is currently one of the best recognised wine brands in the country. It is one of the smallest regions – with a total of 4,300 hectares of vineyards and 31 wineries – yet is the third most recognised D.O. in Spain and its name adds value and prestige to wines from all of its wineries.
Somontano Designation of Origin
Avda. de la Merced, nº 64. 22300 Barbastro (Huesca).
Tel. 974 313 031
[email protected]
The Somontano Vineyards

The centre of the region presents a landscape that has been shaped by man over centuries. Small, regularly spaced plots give the area a mosaic-like appearance, made up of cultivated parcels, natural vegetation, areas of scrubland and wild thickets. The olive tree orchards and almond groves, the precise rows of vines, the fields planted with crops and cereals and the holm-oak forests convert the landscape into a patchwork tapestry of great artistic value, revealing different textures and colours that change with the seasons.
The vast stretches of vineyards, on the banks of the River Vero and in the environs of villages such as Salas Altas, Salas Bajas and Montesa, reveal a variety of rich colours throughout the year. As winter disappears, the green of the cereals contrasts sharply with the silver of the olive leaves and the brilliant white of the almond trees in flower. The spring brings splashes of green to the vineyards and in autumn the banks of the rivers and the vineyards are resplendent in burnished reds and vibrant golds.
- Ruta de los viñedos y de la sierra de la Candelera (Salas Altas)
- Camino ras Vals (Castillazuelo)
- Camino de Poyet (Castillazuelo)
Mountain Bike: Ruta de los Viñedos