General Antonio Ricardos Carrillo of Albornoz (1727-1794) was one of the great Spanish military figures of the 18th century. He was born in Barbastro in the building that is today known as the Argensola Palace.

As a nobleman he began his career in the Maltese cavalry which had its garrison in Barbastro until 1727. He achieved the role of captain at a very young age. An excellent tactician, he gave great attention to the modern ways of training cavalry officers and gained great victories at in the War of the Pyrenees.

He was one of the privileged few to have had his portrait painted by the highly sought after painter, Goya, on two separate occasions. Goya portrayed him with a brown face and a white forehead, indicating the wearing of his hat during the recent summer campaign in the War of the Pyrenees.

General Ricardos maintained strong contact with the city of his birth until his death as his two sisters were nuns in the Capuchinas convent.


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  • General Ricardos