Technical Information

Type of route: circular

Departure point: Pedruel

KM: 10,1

Duration: 2 h 15 min

Gradient: 335 m 

Difficulty: ?


pdfFicha Técnica





Points of interest

World Heritage dry stone walls, Pedruel bridge and the villages of Las Almunias de Rodellar, Cheto, Rodellar and Pedruel.

Route description

The Rodellar Valley, located in the heart of the Sierra de Guara, still preserves many of the old paths between walls that once connected the villages of the valley.

Some of these dry stone walls are little works of art in themselves, especially those around Cheto.

The suggested route has a large number of paths and can be started from Pedruel, Rodellar or Las Almunias.

Starting from Pedruel, the route begins by going up the road to Las Almunias, and from there a succession of footpaths and tracks to the pretty village of Cheto. From Cheto to Rodellar and from Rodellar to Pedruel, the route continues mainly on narrow paths, which are surprisingly flat and accommodating in comparison to the usual routes in the Sierra de Guara.

Gallery photo

  • Lizana
  • abiego
  • adahuesca
  • berbegal
  • carrodilla
  • cunarda
  • el grado
  • ermitas
  • estaño
  • muretes
  • naval
  • ronda
  • sevil
  • terreu


Ruta Asque-Abrigo de Regacéns