Centros Museísticos
River Vero visitor centre. Castillazuelo

A medieval bridge leads to the Visitor Centre where visitors can find out about the attractions of the Cultural Park by following the course of the River Vero. Discover historical uses for water, the natural spaces surrounding it, the presence of humans and the difficulties in adapting and transforming the river for their benefit. There is an impressive audio-visual display, a permanent exhibition that recreates different eco-systems along the river and a variety of models and panels. An interesting trip through the life, nature and culture of the land reveals the immense value of water and man’s ingenuity in harnessing it.
The Centre is the starting point of three routes that cross the most attractive places of this area between countryside and river: “Camino ras Vals”, “Camino de Poyet” and “Camino de ra Guardia”.
Centro de Interpretacion del río Vero
C/ Ro Plano s/n. 22313 Castillazuelo
Teléfono: 974 302 531 y 974 308 350
Visitas concertadas y actividades didácticas, previa reserva en 974 306006
Torno de Aceite. Salas Bajas

La cultura olivarera de Guara Somontano tiene otro exponente en Salas Bajas. La planta baja de la antigua almazara o torno (que dejó de funcionar como tal en 1979) se ha convertido en un espacio dedicado al cultivo tradicional del olivo, una de las señas de identidad entre los vecinos de la localidad. La maquinaria original se conserva en perfecto estado y se puede visitar, previa cita.
Dirección: C/ Mayor 50. 22314 Salas Bajas
Teléfonos: 974 302 353 / 618 113 688
Traditional olive oil mill. Buera
The former oil mill in Buera has its origins between the 17th and 18th centuries. There is a grinding wheel and a huge press with heavy weights that was still in use up to the 20th century, when new technology was brought in. All the equipment that was used to extract oil have been recovered and put to work again, and the building has been restored to create a museum dedicated to the olive trees, oil and traditions of the Somontano.
The Shrine of Nuestra Señora de Dulcis (17th century) is located close to Buera with its magnificent plaster decoration. Nearby a great ice well (Pozo d’os Moros) can be visited and there is also a delightful olive tree grove in the same area (Bosque de los Olivos). There are 18 of the more than 20 varieties of this tree that exist in the Somontano. Every tree has a small informative panel explaining its biological characteristics. Its peculiarities and many others things related to the oil, its history and uses.
Torno de Aceite
C/ Baja, 7. 22146 Buera
Teléfono: 620 057 721
[email protected]
La Barbacana Ice Well. Barbastro

From this part of the city it is easy to get to the San Juan neighbourhood where the La Barbacana Ice Well is located. On the banks of the River Vero and nestling at the foot of an ancient city wall, this old construction has been carefully preserved because of its importance to the local history. It is one of the best examples of a unique industry that flourished in Somontano between the 16th and 19th centuries.
The ice well has been tastefully converted into a small visitor centre, and inside its past is explained in detail through exhibits and audiovisual displays. Learn how the snow was collected and stored, how the ice was produced and distributed and the various uses it was put to.
La Barbacana Ice Well
C/ Pozo de Hielo s/n. 22300 Barbastro
Teléfono: 974 308 350 - 666 458 171
Email: [email protected]