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Do you travel with your pet? That is not a problem in Guara Somontano!

Below you will find our “pet friendly” establishments for travelling with your pets without any problem!

Hotel La Abadía. Castillazuelo.

Hotel Santa Mª de Alquézar. Alquézar

 Hostal Pirineos. Barbastro

 Casa Clavería. Abiego

 Casa Purroy. Artasona

 Casa La Portellada. Barbastro

 Apartamentos Casa Aurelia.  Alquézar.

 Apartamento Casa Castro. Alberuela de Laliena

 Albergue los Meleses. Radiquero

 Camping Alquézar. Alquézar

 Camping río Vero. Alquézar

 Compañía Guías de Bierge. Bierge


Some of the establishments above have animal daycare, waiting rooms or even you can make some activities with them. Check the conditions and special services of each establishment.