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The Pre-Pyrenees (which constitute the outer ranges of the Pyrenees mountains) and the Somontano region (which lies in the foothills of the Pyrenees ) are the two geomorphic units that mark the transition between the Mediterranean and Atlantic climate zones. This implies the observation of a wide biodiversity of species both in terms of flora and fauna. You may come across species on the same excursion that are many kilometers apart in Europe, such as holm-oak groves (Quercus ilex) together with Scots pine forests (Pinus silvestrys), or rosemary (Rosmarinus oficinalis) together with Pyrenean-violets (Ramonda myconi).

The proposed trails will lead us through a contrast of landscapes, from the arid steppes of the south of the Somontano region to the rocky limestone peaks of the pre-Pyrenees, in less than 50 km. This will allow us to discover four different habitats including steppe, riverbank, the Somontano region, and the Pre-Pyrenees.

Below, you can download our nature calendar which explains the species of flora and fauna that are common for each month the year. 

Discover the landscapes of Guara Somontano 365 days a year!

  • Alimoche
  • Araña tigre
  • Bueyera
  • Búho chico
  • Mantis religiosa
  • Orquídea perdiz
  • Polyommatus icarus
  • Sapo Corredor
  • Zorro común