Ruta de los árboles monumentales
Trees and Aqueduct Route. El Grado
Technical information
Type of route: circular hiking route.
Departure point: El Grado, the Chuaquín Mill
KM: 6,6
Duration: 2 h
Gradient: 75 m
MIDE: 1-2-1-2
Points of interest
Unique trees, heritage of the hydraulic Cinca Canalsand bird watching.
Route description
This trail, of easy-moderate difficulty, starts at the old flour mill (Molino de Chuaquín), which today has been renovated and transformed into a multiusespace :exhibition room, area dedicated to puppet shows, another for Parchis (Ludo)and the machine room for the old mill.
Throughout the walk you will pass around the impressive Cinca Canal and its aqueducts, discover 7 unique species of tree as well as some of the birds of the area. The Mediterranean forest with its flora and fauna leads down to the crystal clear water of the Cinca River. If you are lucky maybe you might see some birds of prey in acrobatic flight such as the Red Kite.
Photo gallery
Holm oak, Radiquero. Radiquero

Scientific name: Quercus ilex L. ssp. ballota
This hundred-year old holm oak has become the symbol of the village of Radiquero, where it is known as the “Carrasca de Cazcarra”. It is tree full of character and boasts a beautiful semi-spherical silhouette. Underneath the tree it is wonderful to hear the sound of the leaves blowing in the wind and to take in thousand of pricks of light that reach through its branches to kiss the floor. An unforgettable experience. Many people have enjoyed the shelter it provides and so the tree has seen many celebrations, parties and dances. It has also become an inseparable companion to Bodegas Monclús, where Mercedes, the owner, creates wonderful wines under the DO Somontano label as well as exquisite dishes in her restaurant.
Nettle tree de la Cabañera. Azlor
Almez, litonero (Celtis australis).
This tree grows at the side of the ancient Mequinenza-Broto livestock track. In the past it would have been common to see shepherds and their flocks resting under the branches on their route between seasonal pastures. The base of the tree is more than 4.5 metres in circumference and its 9 branches grow from the trunk at approximately 2.5 metres from the ground. It is good condition although the higher branches are quite sparse.
Location: The point of departure for reference is the intersection between the A-1229 road (Alcanadre Bridge on the N-240- Abiego) and the A-1231 road (Peraltilla-Abiego.) From here, head towards Azlor. After 1.5km take the path to the left, which is in fact the aforementioned livestock track. After 2km the large nettle tree comes into view on the right.
Portuguese oak, Paridera de Oliván. Pedruel

Quejigo, caxico, (Quercus faginea).
.This magnificent tree is possibly one of the oldest in the Sierra de Guara and reaches a height of 22 metres. The perimeter of its base measures 8 metres in total. It is surrounded by other similar trees of good size, including one that reaches 20 metres with a circumference of 4.30 at its base. The tree is in average condition as many of its branches are dry. It grows on private property.
From the right hand bank of the Alcanadre River in Pedruel take the dirt track towards Morrano; the track is for restricted use only. After 5.5km there is a rocky formation known locally as Castillo de Naya, and to the south of this lies the Paridera de Olivan, a lambing shed. This wonderful Portuguese oak stands just 70 metres from the building.