Technical information

Type of route: return hiking and mountain bike route.

Departure point: Pozán de Vero

KM: 5

Duration: 1h 30 minutos

Gradient: 50 m

MIDE: 1-2-1-2



Points of interest 

Water architecture, riverbank groves, orchards and farmland, the medieval bridge.

Route description

This route winds gently between vegetable gardens and riverside groves and crosses the river by means of a medieval bridge. It joins the village of Pozán de Vero with the Salto de Pozán, which is a huge structure that raises the water level and conducts it to a canal so that it can be used to drive water wheels and irrigate nearby crops.

Photo gallery

  • Senda de los Azudes 2
  • Senda de los Azudes 3
  • Senda de los Azudes 4
  • Senda de los Azudes


Mapa-Ruta19-SendaAzudes 1