Para chuparse los dedos
Just mouthwatering

Why am I always hungry? It’s really hard when I go with my parents to the market square of Barbastro and see all the fruit and vegetables from the area. I could eat it all!
For breakfast I love bread with olive oil, cheese, jam and pie, which is made in the villages of Guara Somontano. When you come you must try it. You will see that it is delicious.
We can go to a winery, and also have a great time with the activities they set up for children.
Some believe that the world of wine, oil and other agri-food products is just for grownups, and that the little ones at home are not interested, but they are very wrong. Children also have fun and enjoy playing, smelling, savouring and listening to old stories and traditions linked to the products we eat and drink. Through those stories and traditions it is possible to jump into a world of sensations linked to nature and landscapes.
Since Guara Somontano is a land of wine, children go there without being able to drink, but what they can do is to get to know the peculiarities of the vine, taste the grape and the grape juice, learn to harvest, observe the colours of the wine, smell the aromas of the different parts of a winery, and more.
The oil offers many opportunities to enjoy together with the family. Go on a guided visit to any of the almazaras (oil mills), both old and modern, tasting the different varieties of extra virgin olive oils that are produced in this land. Doing this, you will discover a great world of flavours, smells and sensations. Why not take a walk among centuries-old olive trees, contemplating the ancient olive grove of Colungo, or a pay a visit to the only sundial whose twelve hours are marked with twelve olive trees.
If, in addition to the wine and oil, we include the smells and flavours of artisan cheeses, sweets, the pink tomato of Barbastro and other vegetables, you can be sure that enjoyment is guaranteed and that the little ones will say “I want more!”.
A great opportunity to have a good time and get to know the entire range of products is to go to the agri-food fairs and weekly markets, such as the one held every Saturday in the Market Square in Barbastro.