Prepirineo Clandestino en familia
Prepirineo Clandestino with the family

The other day I had a great time. I took my parents to look for treasure.
Many villages in Guara Somontano and other regions of the Pre-Pyrenees have some fun trails. You have to use your mobile phone to locate the points where treasures are hidden, and, when you find them, they tell us stories, legends and many other things.
If you tell your parents, they will surely want to come. I’m sure the grownups have just as good - or even a better - time than we do.
Do you feel like coming to find hidden treasures in incredible places? Here you will find the opportunity to put your detective talent into practice.
The region of Somontano, next to Hoya de Huesca and Cinco Villas, is part of the “Pre-Pirineo Clandestino” cultural trails network. Throughout, the whole family will be able to get to know their cultural heritage in a different, fun and exciting way.
You might already know some of the places that we suggest on the route, but if you do it through “Pre-Pirineo Clandestino” it will seem like the very first time.
As you visit the different places along the trail, you must look for clues on the website that will lead you to the hidden treasures. You can also use the free Geocaching app, which you must have pre-installed on your mobile phone. Through the app you will get the geolocation of the clues and the treasures on the trails. You must also bring along some paper, a pen and all your senses.
When you get to Guara Somontano you can look for clues and treasures belonging to 5 of the 11 trails that make up "Prepirineo Clandestino". They are the following:
- The Treasure of Al-Muqtadir: this the main trail and runs through the three Pre-Pyrenean counties
- Secrets of Guara
- Mysteries of Prehistory
- Trades and Traditions
- Land of the Reconquista
You can choose any one of them and start where you want, as you don't have to follow any specific order.
In order to get all the details of the game and to get hold of the necessary material, you just have to visit the official website of "Prepirineo Clandestino".