Technical information

Type of route: circular hiking and mountain bike route

Departure point: Huerta de Vero, playground

KM: 2,6

Duration: 1 hora

Gradient: 30m

MIDE: 1-2-2-1



Points of interest

Riverside flora and fauna

Route description 

Just walking in this environment is a pleasure; enjoy this simple route by the banks of the river, which is suitable for all the family. 

The itinerary will take you to the remains of an old tile works, past the ruins of an ancient bridge and will allow you watch the energetic weaving of the white wagtail and the vibrant colours of the hoopoe and the chaffinch. Be prepared to be immersed in a world of sensations that will awaken your senses.

Photo gallery

  • Camino de la Ribera del Vero 2
  • Camino de la Ribera del Vero 3
  • Camino de la Ribera del Vero 4
  • Camino de la Ribera del Vero 5
  • Camino de la Ribera del Vero 6
  • Camino de la Ribera del Vero 7
  • Camino de la Ribera del Vero

